And the consequent extra demand for pounds would cause the spot rate of pounds to appreciate, while the extra supply of pounds in the forward market in exchange for dollars may cause pounds to be at a discount and the dollars, at a premium. 对英镑的额外要求,其结果是导致英镑的远期汇率增值,而在远期市场上,增加英镑换美元会导致英镑贴水,而美元升水。
The insurance handling institutions must strictly carry out the rate of premium stipulated by the state and this province, and they shall be allowed to change the rate of premium optionally. 保险经办机构必须严格执行国家和省规定的保险费率,不得随意改变保险费率。
The Influence of Interest Rate Fluctuation on the Transaction of China s Life Insurance Companies; Determination and calculation of the rate of waiver of premium for disability in life insurance actuarial calculation 利率变动对我国寿险公司经营的影响寿险精算中伤残免缴率的厘定及计算
Then this paper used the zoning result to determine the rice GRP rate, the study shows that at80% guarantee level, the pure rate of premium in highest risk zone is7. 以此为基础对湖北省水稻区域产量保险纯费率进行厘定,得出在80%保障水平下,潜江,仙桃等高风险地区的水稻保险费率为7。
Based on CAPM, the authors obtained the expected return rate of entrepreneurs, the beta coefficient and risk premium of enterprises. 基于经典的资本资产定价(CAPM)理论,得到了企业家的期望收益率、企业的贝塔系数和风险溢价。
The floating rate shall be determined according to the employer-unit's use of the industrial injury insurance premium and the rate of the occurrence of industrial injury. 浮动费率根据用人单位工伤保险费使用、工伤事故发生率等情况确定。
The rate of industrial injury insurance premium varies according to different trades, and it may fluctuate with the situation of the individual enterprise. 工伤保险缴费实行行业差别费率和企业浮动费率。
The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium. 直接标出的汇率是按升水或贴水的点调整的即期汇率。
Classical risk models for insurance are single-type based, and the rate of premium is constant. 经典风险模型描述了单一险种且保费率是常数的经营模式。
The forward rate of a currency is at a "premium" or at a "discount" in terms of another. 一种货币在兑换另一种货币时,远期汇率有升水或贴水情况。
Reformation of the Market Turns of Rate of Premium 论全面推进保险费率市场化改革
In terms of practices from the current insurance market, opportunity of the market turns of rate of premium have been gradually maturing. 从目前的保险市场实践看,保险费率市场化的时机已日趋成熟。
An Empirical Test of Interest Rate Term Structure and Research of Term Premium 利率期限结构理论实证检验与期限风险溢价研究
And at 70% guarantee level, the pure rate of premium was 2.9%. 在70%的保障水平下,纯保险费率为2.9%。
Finally, an example is given to show the distinction between the rate of waiver of premium and the rate of disability. 通过实例显示了一般伤残率和伤残免缴率的差异。
Opportunity, Path and Step of Reformation for the Market Turns of Rate of Premium 保险费率市场化改革的时机、路径与步骤
Calamity loss rate is the base for calculation of insurance premium. 灾害损失率计算是农作物保险费率确定的基础。
C. The calculation of the rate of insurance premium shall adhere to the principle of adequacy and necessity. 保险费率的计算应坚持充足性原则和必要性原则。
The eastern region of the independent variables influence the growth rate of premium income were greater than other regions. 东部区域各自变量对保费收入增长率的影响程度均大于其他区域。
However, the various policy options, including the guaranteed interest rate, dividend rights, right of rescission, investment account switch rights, irregular premium rights, are not evaluated, and not even being considered in the ratemaking process. 而对于保单中的各种选择权,包括保底利率、分红权、解约权、投资账户转换权、不定期保费等权利,则不进行评估,更不进入费率厘定过程。
Based on the predicted yields in 2008 and the posterior distributions, it calculates the county-level pure premium rate of rice yield insurance, the average premium rate is 2.99%, and the standard error is 0.62. 基于2008年预测单产及其后验分布,厘定了当年各县市水稻产量保险的纯费率,平均费率为2.99%,标准差为0.62。
In the past ten years, life insurance industry of China has maintained rapid rate of development. The scale of premium income grows rapidly and total assets of the industry continue to expand. 近十年来,我国寿险业一直保持了较快的发展速度,保费收入规模快速增长,行业资产规模不断扩大。
Chinese insurance industry has been showing a strong momentum of development since 1980. Its annual growth rate of premium income is close to 30%. 我国保险业务自1980年恢复以来,呈现出强劲的发展势头,保费收入年均增长率近30%。
All paper listed at the industry rate of return used as explanatory variables, in theory building and empirical research to analyze both the extent of the impact of IPO premium. 所以本文选用上市日行业收益率作为解释变量,从理论构建和实证研究两方面去分析对其IPO溢价程度的影响。
Based on the empirical Analysis, the difference of the levels of insurance premium rate in every borough and county are obvious, so are the increase of premium rates under different levels of protection. 通过分析,自贡市各区县的纯费率水平差异大,并且不同保障水平下的纯费率增幅差异也很明显。